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Sex Collections: NEEDFUL FLINGS: A three-volume hot, hung, and hungry sex collection Read online

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  Mattie looked around at the modest space that was her home and realized she wanted more from life – much more. A thin smile crept across her face as she glanced down at the front of Oleg’s business card.

  Needful Flings.

  Why not? He promised to keep my identity hidden. Nobody will find out. I get the fuck of my life and make some money doing it. You only live once, right?

  Mattie Martinson was right.

  You only live once, and there was no guarantee for how long…

  End Volume One.


  Volume Two



  Porter Voss was blessed with what one woman once called the “most wonderfully gorgeous cock” she had ever seen. Her remarks came just prior to her taking his cock and jamming it into herself with her right hand while running her fingernails down his back with her left.

  They both wore the plastic JFK masks common to the videos Mr. Teplov created with Porter and his man flesh as the star attraction. The woman’s name was Carla. She was thirteen years older than the twenty-nine year old Porter Voss, though during their nearly hour long session she exhibited an enthusiasm and appreciation of Porter’s talents that would have exhausted a woman half her age.

  Carla repeatedly cried out, “My god!” as Porter’s flesh pummeled her own, her orgasms reverberating up and down the entirety of her impressively toned and remarkably flexible body. If Porter slowed down, she demanded he go faster. If he failed to fully immerse himself inside of her, she pushed her lower body upward while howling he dare not go easy on her.

  “You can’t hurt me with that thing, but you damn well better fuck me hard with it!”

  That was the fourth video Porter made for Oleg. The next day Oleg Teplov gave Porter an envelope stuffed with eight thousand dollars in cash.

  “That was a masterpiece, Porter! The subscribers are going to love it!”

  Since that time, Porter filmed seven more videos, the most recent being two months ago that earned him a twelve thousand dollar payment from Oleg. It was more money than he had ever thought possible to earn while at the same time keeping his identity secret. Some of the woman he had been with remarked how he could easily be the next great porn star, but Porter Voss remained a relatively shy and humble man, despite the sizeable appendage that hung between his legs. He enjoyed the cash Oleg gave him, as well as his continued anonymity. The idea of his family discovering what he was doing for money horrified him and more recently, he found himself combating increasing feelings of guilt.

  I can’t be doing this much longer.

  “Of course I can’t force you to continue working for me, Porter. This has always been your choice.”

  Oleg stared at the much younger man sitting across from his private study in the high rise apartment that overlooked the often grey and dreary Seattle skyline, though today the early afternoon skies were clear, allowing views of both Queen Anne Hill and the Elliot Bay waterfront.

  “Oh, I know that, Mr. Teplov. Believe me, I’m very grateful for the opportunity. I’ve been thinking though that this next time will be my last.”

  “Is it a matter of money? Perhaps I could pay you more?”

  Porter shifted in the dark leather chair, sensing a hint of unhappiness from the Russian-born businessman. Oleg had never threatened violence against Porter, but the younger man was not so naïve to think Oleg Teplov was not capable of such things.

  “No, the money is fine. It’s more a matter of what feels right for me at this time.”

  Oleg cocked his head to the side as his brow furrowed. He appeared confused.

  “Since when does making money not feel right, Porter?”

  The hint of danger was more pronounced – Oleg was clearly angry.

  “I see. Well, might I suggest you reconsider for now? Let’s proceed with the next video, and then we can meet again here to talk. I already have another woman who might possibly be interested in working with you. She is stunning, Porter. I promise, you will be very impressed with this one.”

  Porter sensed there would be no benefit to pursuing the matter of his quitting at that time.

  “Ok, one more video and then we can talk.”

  It was less than twenty four hours later that Porter stood inside the small changing room in a steel framed forty by forty storage facility in the large industrial area of Seattle’s SODO neighborhood. It was in the changing room where Porter removed his clothes and put on the JFK mask. The masks had actually been his idea prior to filming the very first video – a way for both him and the women he worked with to maintain their anonymity. Oleg had initially disliked the idea, but upon watching the first film found the masks added what he called a “component of the bizarre and dangerous” that would appeal to the subscribers.

  Apparently he was right – the masks stayed.

  Porter had no idea who the woman would be this time, just as he knew nothing of the others who had come before her. He looked down at his penis and found it somewhat less responsive than it normally was just prior to walking out into the main filming area where both the bed and woman would be found.

  It’s because this doesn’t feel right to me anymore. This is the last time I do this.

  The walk to the bed was a short one. Porter was silently stunned at the size of the dark skinned woman who stood at the end of the bed waiting for his arrival. She was as tall as his own height of six foot four, with shoulders nearly as wide. Like him she wore nothing but the mask. Her large breasts hung low upon her chest just above her powerfully muscled stomach. The entirety of her body was powerfully built. If but for the absence of a penis, Porter would have been certain she was in fact a man. Though he couldn’t see her face, he guessed her age to be no more than early or mid-20’s.

  “You better get that big stick of yours ready to go. I was promised you could fuck the shit out of me, boy.”

  Porter stopped no more than twenty feet from the bed and while giving serious consideration to turning around and walking back out.

  “Well c’mon then, let’s see what you can do.”

  The woman’s voice was deep and authoritative. She stood with her legs apart and her large hands each resting on a sinewy hip. Her body wasn’t unattractive, but rather something beyond even the many and varied sexual experiences of Porter Voss. Her midnight-black pubic hair grew wild over her mound, a massive and unruly thatch with a thin but thick trail that extended upward toward her navel.

  Porter took a slow deep breath and was rewarded with several noticeable growth twitches from his cock as it began to emerge from its slumber on its journey toward being fully erect.

  “Yeah, that’s better. Mmmmm, that looks nice. And look at that set of balls on you!”

  The woman placed two fingers into her mouth and then looked back at Porter as she sent the just-wetted digits into her dark snatch where she began sliding them slowly into and out of herself.

  “No foreplay – just get to fucking me good. You best bring it hard.”

  The woman sat at the end of the bed with her feet resting on the floor. She leaned back until she was lying down with the entirety of her pink, gaping wet slit beckoning for Porter to do what she asked of him – to fuck her good and hard.

  If this Amazonian wants it hard, fine, I’ll give her everything she can handle.

  Porter looked down to see his cock extended outward well away from his body like some brave soldier moving quickly to the front line. He took the remaining steps toward the woman and found her pussy to be positioned perfectly for him to enter her while he remained standing. His right hand lightly grasped the shaft of his cock and pushed the head into the woman and finding her already wetter and warmer than most. Porter was also stunned to see the size of the woman’s swollen clit like some silent sentry beckoning the intruder to storm the great darkly forested castle. The clit was nearly the size of the tip of his pinky.

  Normally Porter was required to make his entry into a woman slowl
y and carefully, but this time he simply plunged inward and found himself increasingly excited by the prospect of going straight to the fucking – an excitement that increased the size of his cock still further.

  “Ohhh, uhhhh, yeah, rip that shit up, boy.”

  Within seconds of entering her, Porter was doing just that, his entire form soon covered in a thick layer of sweat as he watched himself enter, exit, and enter the woman’s body over and over again, thrusting against her great mound as his hands circled around her powerful thighs to better hold her in place so she could not escape his efforts.

  Nearly ten minutes went by with Porter continuing to pummel the woman’s pussy. It seemed the more effort he expended, the wetter and greedier her pussy became. The woman’s right hand reached down and placed her abnormally large clit between a finger and thumb and began massaging it like a man would stroke a penis. This elicited a loud satisfied moan from her as her hips began to tremble and Porter felt the familiar clenching muscles of a woman nearing orgasm massaging his cock as he continued to push into and out of her, his low breathy grunts echoing against the walls of the storage facility.

  The woman was grunting loudly as her fingers furiously worked her clit and her hips slammed upward to collide violently with Porter’s thrusts. A shining trail of moisture crept down into the crack of her ass as the climax overtook her.


  It was at that same time Porter allowed his own orgasm to approach. He wanted the session to be over as a great fatigue suddenly sapped the strength from his body.

  He withdrew his cock, took two steps back and began stroking it. The act caused the woman to sit up as she shook her head from side to side.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Did I say you could come?”

  Genuine anger arose in Porter. Nobody had spoken to him like this before. His right hand dropped to his side as his penis began to quickly return to its flaccid state.

  “You got off – we’re done.”

  The woman stood up from the bed and pointed to Porter’s cock.

  Done? We ain’t done until I say we’re done, ok? Now get that thing hard and get back to doing what you’re paid to do – fuck people. I want to feel you shoot that big load inside of me – NOW.”

  Porter turned around and began walking away.

  “Sorry, I said we’re done. You’re not in charge here – I am.”


  The woman’s shout caused Porter to turn back around. She was on all fours on the bed, her large muscular ass swaying side to side.

  “You didn’t make me hurt. I was promised you could make it feel so good it would hurt.”

  Porter cleared his throat.

  “You want it to hurt, huh?”

  The woman nodded her head slowly as her ass continued to beckon Porter for him to return to doing what he did best.

  “You sure about that?”

  The woman snorted.

  “Don’t promise me something you can’t deliver.”

  Porter’s cock was again hard, and this time, he was motivated.

  He ascended the bed and positioned himself behind the woman, entering her still considerable wetness from behind and moving inside of her with slow and deliberate motions. The woman remained silent, her ass lowering slightly, indicating to Porter what she really wanted.

  His cock withdrew slowly, covered entirely in the woman’s natural lubrication. Then without warning, he jammed it partly into her ass, eliciting a high pitched gasp from the woman as he did so. Her body tensed, and then quickly relaxed as she let out a long, satisfied sigh.

  “Is this what you want?”

  The woman’s voice trembled slightly as she answered.


  Porter placed each of his hands onto the woman’s hips and then thrust the rest of himself inward, surprised at how willingly she accommodated his size. Once again she cried out.

  “Oh, ahh! It hurts! It hurts!”

  Porter ignored her cries, concentrating fully on his own enjoyment, confident he was giving the woman the very thing she had come here for – to be taken. To be made a recipient to her own unspoken desires.

  And so Porter brought her the pain and the pleasure she demanded as her fingers once again worked her clit to a climax, followed by another, and then another until finally, Porter himself felt the hot liquid arrival of his own release.

  He slowly withdrew and then watched as a torrent of cum spewed onto the large woman’s muscular back, something which she loudly approved of as she reached around with her left hand and scooped a warm strand into her fingers and then hungrily licked it off with her tongue.

  “You did good, boy. I’m gonna be sore for days!”

  As the woman began to turn over, Porter pushed her back onto her stomach and held her there while his once again hard cock returned to its just departed home deep inside her ass. The move stunned the woman as she momentarily fought to escape Porter’s grasp, but then as he began pushing and pulling in her once again, she quickly relented, her hips moving to keep pace with Porter’s efforts.

  “We aren’t done until I say we’re done.”

  Porter’s comment pleased the woman as she rocked herself up against his cock and growled her approval.

  “You’re the boss.”

  Porter moved with increasing force, causing the woman to cry out several more times. He was amazed and impressed with her ability to not only take, but welcome every inch he was delivering to her.

  “Fill my hole up! Fill it up! Do it! Do it!”

  Porter grasped the woman’s hips roughly as he released the second load of the night into her until it began oozing out around his shaft. The sensation of having just cum while his cock was still ensconced inside the woman’s ass delivered a surprising amount of pleasure that left Porter’s head collapsing onto the woman’s wide shoulders.

  Finally he once again softened and then fell to the other side of the bed gasping for breath as he looked up at the storage facility’s steel raftered open ceiling. Porter turned to see the woman’s heavy lidded dark eyes staring at him from between the mask’s slits.

  “Oh-my-god that was so good. I don’t care how much you’re getting paid, you’re worth every damn cent.”

  Porter moved his head from side to side as he attempted to crack a kink in his neck.

  “This was my last time. I’m done doing these videos.”

  The woman sat up, the mask hiding the shock on her face.

  “For real?”

  Porter Voss rose from the bed and began to walk back to his changing room. His voice traveled back to the bed as he kept walking and though a near whisper, the determination of his answer was clear.

  “Yeah – for real.”


  Oleg Teplov appeared both pleased and perturbed. Pleased for the quality of Porter’s last video, but perturbed his Internet star continued to demand that video was to be his last.

  “Here is another envelope for you, Porter. Twenty thousand dollars cash. Consider this a promise of more such payments to follow if you simply continue doing what you were born to do – bring people pleasure.”

  Porter looked outside the rotating landscape inside the Space Needle restaurant as Seattle’s city night lights blinked happily around him. He took the envelope and noted how much heavier it was than previous payments from Oleg. The Russian was making it difficult for him to walk away from the business, but Porter had made up his mind – he was in fact done.

  “I really do appreciate the money, Mr. Teplov. I was willing to do this, needed the money, but it just feels like it’s time I move on. I can’t be doing this forever. I’ll be thirty soon. It’s time I grow up.”

  Oleg’s face tightened, looking as if he had tasted something terribly sour.

  “Thirty? You’re still a child! What do you mean you can’t be doing this forever? I’m not asking for forever, Porter. You could easily continue performing for many more years though, and make a g
reat deal more money doing so. Let us stop this nonsense of quitting, and enjoy our meal, ok?”

  Porter hadn’t touched his grilled salmon, and only took a few small sips of the red wine that had been poured into his glass by Oleg himself. It was only the second time he had ever eaten inside the Space Needle, and he liked it even less than when he first came here as a boy with his parents. It seemed unnatural to Porter to be eating while seated so high above the ground.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Teplov, but I’m done. I won’t change my mind.”